Jason Michaels has been cleaning house on Evolved Fights lately. He has MMA training and it shows on the mats. But this is sex fighting. You need to keep your head in the game and today Jason is taking on the GREATEST sex fighter of all time, Daisy Ducati. Jason has the skill set for sport, but Daisy has the skill set for porn. One of these sexual athletes utterly dominates on the mats. This isn't even close. This match is the perfect blend of physical domination and sex. The winner takes their prize. Feet are involved. If you are a foot lover this one is for you.
I would be curious about what happened before the match and after. The two stated quick and aggressive like in a street fight, and in less than 10 second one was chocked so violently that he wasn't not even able to tap. Then, the stronger hold the weaker in an endless immobilization relenlissy teasing him. The loser not ever tried to get free, understanding that it was impossible and dangerous, trying to give himself an attitude licking and kissing (arms and hands were under control). The loser lost not only the match but also the self esteem and is easy to predict he will begin a string of losses. Daisy concluded the interview calling on Shawn Fox for a rematch: I think she can wear a fur fox this winter, she is improved a lot and go on training jj: