Kay Carter is a very sassy blond with an athletic body and natural tits. Dan Ferrari is a man who discovered athletics recently and he's been getting his mind body and cock ready for all the sexual athleticism that Evolved fights has to offer. Kay Carter has done martial arts but most of her experience is with stand up, today she's going to have to dive deep to fight against the ground game of Dan Ferrari. Dan is a gentle pussy assassin. He considers himself more of a lover than a fighter but he's completely happy doing both since that is the theme of this site. Dan loves to attempt to get the coveted Pin and Penetration for the fans and he goes for it a lot today. Kay sees opportunity in the penetration moments. She locks on to his cock and lets him ride her good until he's close to cumming. It's a pretty brilliant strategy but will it work? check out the full video to see who's style dominates in this match.
some males and even some females will decline matches that they are not confident that they will win. Ego is even in porn wrestling
This is a result of our education. Even for me would be difficult to accept to wrestle with you Ariel...we male are so stupid, sometimes.
This is right and is a result of our wrong and passed education. Even for me would be difficult to accept to wrestle you, especially in public. But I like the uncertain challenges... hustle for dreaming, I vs Bella or Daisy...
try making one of these tough guyw fight w a handicap... maybe blindfold or one handed or even 2 v 1
Kay is so attractive that she is forgiven not to be a competitive wrestler. The problem is that most boys are so fit and strong that is difficult to find competitive girls. And perhaps the strong boys don’t accept to risk to a competive girl like Andre, Cheyenne, Dee (;is my suspicion correct?)