Poor Randall Rush feels he was given a raw deal in his first match with Bella Rossi. He wore a mask with his match with Bella in hopes of keeping anonymity and after losing his loser face was exposed to the world. Now, with out hangs up, and no material in the way of keeping him from breathing, he is confident he is going to take on the tiny red head, Alexa Nova. Alexa has had a good winning streak. We have been giving her men with little to no wrestling experience and that has been a determining factor for her. Today she gets another chump with no wrestling experience. This match is lost by only 1 point. The loser is fucked in the ass and made to lick ass from fingers after the fingers have been buried in their own ass. Loser is denied orgams. They did a horrible job wrestling so they don't get to orgams. They get foot filth rubbed all over their crotch and left on the mat to fap themself off.
It is very interesting to see how a 110 lbs girl can defeat a much bigger man. The only week poi t lo Alexa are the arms, but the legs arte deadly. Forth round was not so exciting, I think because Alexa don t like this man. Congratulations to Randall for his lasting and impressive erection.
please change the poll and useing shemales in fights
If Todd Jones could turn a fight with Alexa around with coaching, surely Randall could do the same. It irritates me greatly that so many men have to be “good sports” and “take it” when they lose, while female losers seem to take it for granted that they’ll be treated gently.
It was a great competitive fight. Alexa is a warrior. She's a very small girl with a fighter's heart. What's all the complaining about. You're doing a great job.
Worst fight yet. Utterly boring.