Charlotte Sartre vs Lance Hart

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  • 06/07/2019
  • 52 min
  • 03/08/2019
  • 40 min
  • 05/10/2019
  • 43 min




Lance Needs To bring the action and intensity like this to Kelli Provactuer and Brandi Mae



Lance was one of my favorite male opponents so far. We have some really tough guys this season!!



you have GREAT taste my friend



My favorite part was when he pinned and penetrated her during the match. I want to see more of that. In fact it would be great if all the matches were chiefly about the wrestlers trying to pin and forcibly shag each other.



Dear Ariel, Please hold the match between guy and shemale.



i didn't see him penetrating her at all



Much as I liked the cream pie at the end and would like to see one in every match, someone please tell me Charlotte didn’t really get pregnant from this. That would suck for her, us, and the baby if there really is one. I don’t believe Ariel X would really allow that to happen to one of her performers, and I also don’t believe everyone would be so casual about it if it were true, least of all Charlotte herself. But I often can’t tell when people are serious.



RhinoBeetle of course Charlotte got pregnant from this. Do you think they would just lie to you on video??? Ariel: This video brought me to the site! Charlotte is so hot and I love the concept of her getting owned by Lance. I do have a few comments: This match was a clear mismatch in physical ability and I wish Lance had taken more advantage of it. I felt like the premise of the fight is that Charlotte is sort of a lightweight who naively thinks she can take on this athletic musclehead Lance. I felt like her naivety should have been "punished" with lots of forced involuntary vocalizations and orgasms on the mat. While Lance was clearly in control the whole match, he didn't use that control to access her body. I'm not sure why not. It even looked to me like Charlotte was expecting more of that. Basically... similar to what I said in the Sebastian vs. Cheyenne video.



Those would be questions for the wrestlers to be honest. These are unscripted, The wrestlers do what they in the moment. Perhaps the males just didn't think to do the things you are mentioning.



So fucking hot!!! You guys are my 100% my favourite site now. This is exactly the kind of content I’ve always wanted to see be brought into reality. Please keep it up with more breeding creampies, so primal! @RhinoBeetle I sincerely doubt that she ended up getting pregnant, porn stars and actors are smart enough to get the right contraceptives (Plan B), this was all just very hot roleplaying talk



What AlphaBreeder said lol



so fucking good



you forgeting that this is sex fight. you can be like 2 legs and 1 arm in lock and because you have one arm doing sexual staff to get points. it is not just to block and stay there. So Charlotte fought back considering the rules. and it is not that easy to be 3 rounds of 6 minutes on youe knees and going around.. epic fight and more to come



This fight is what this porn genre is really about. The look of defenselessness on Charlotte's face round 4 cannot be imitated. That mix of sweetness, fear, excitement that gives way to utter devotion is as sexy as it gets. I'm sure the best is still ahead!






Prize Round: a good one. However I want I’m ptessedvby the way Charlotte handled Lance’s cum in her asshole. I think the best was one of Nathan Brandon. This is my final video that focuses on the final,round. Now, im going back for the wrestling rounds in all the videos of watched, starting with this one. I think the total I need to watch will be about 20.



Lance looked so sexy in the blue Speedos. I was disappointed in the wrestling. I actually think that the scoring of the third round was wrong.