Cheyenne Jewel vs Sebastian Keys

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  • 07/27/2018
  • 46 min
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ariel x is someone who really gets this stuff... I always hated mixed wrestling videos because the guys were just jobbers and finally we have real guys going up against real girls... this one was a little mismatch but I do love the max blunts one... that dude had no idea what hit him, and it was genuine and real



Thank you, Keep telling me what you like and dont' like. The feed back helps us evolved into something great. I really appreciate you fans, We can not have a site without you folks



Thank you for the kind comments. I listen and learn from all you fans. So the more feedback you put in, the more you help evolve this site into someone you fans have desired.



It's thrilling to finally see Cheyenne Jewel get taken down a peg. Long overdue. Here's to more of that!



Great match - Really nice to see a guy taking it to Cheyenne Jewel who often comes on top. Both wrestlers make it competitive! Loving it when the males take the victory.



It was great. I suggest that you compete between Guy and Shemale. I think it will be very attractive. Thank you



If you would like to sponsor that a custom, we can shoot it for you. But you need to understand that is a sup niche fetish and not everyone is into that.



we need more men getting the girls in submission to were the can't move and get fingered, there are way more girls jerking the guys from any position, where as very few men fingered the girls if that



we need more men holding women in difficult position to finger them, we always see women jerking off guys on every posititon



Thank you Ariel Once you compete between shemale and Gay, you might all liked it



Need more woman winning. And punishing loser with. Strapon. That's why I suscrbed. Dee. Williams is Awsome. Like to see. Mimosa dominate man in ring



These matches are unscripted. We do not force the outcome. Sorry!



I enjoyed this video and hope you make more like it! Some thoughts: - I bought this video specifically because the guy won. - I'm not sure how the scoring system works or what the goal of the match is. How are all the rounds 10-9? - At several points, I wondered why Sebastian didn't take sexual advantage of his situation. Like, there was a point in the match when his hand was literally palming her vagina, but he was just using it for leverage - what are the priorities? A cradle hold is way more boring then a girl screaming because she's getting fingerblasted against her will. - Cheyenne is very cute but also emits this very strong aura that makes it hard to imagine what it's like when she's getting submitted and fucked - which makes it so much better when it actually happens. Watching her suck a dick was very pleasing.



hello there. We have a blog post about how the matches are scored



Why dont you guys have paysafecards as payment method? I dont have a credit card and im sure many people would apreciate having paysafecard as payment method..



I'll look into my friend.



An amazing thing is that always Arial is there to hear that because she has the best site. I think that guys when win has to be a little more playful. I do NOT think that there is a need for more humilation in boy/girl fight when boy wins. best 4th round girl is the Goth Girl



I disagree with Cheyenne on this match.. after she lost Sebastian was very kind with her and during the game there were 4 times that he avoids to choke her. this was the only match that Cheyenne was also beaten in mentality but the good thing with out Jewel is that she studies her matches for mistakes and she will return even better. -- were they instructed for the particular match to avoid arm neck chokes? or it just happened?



I don’t generally focus on the women wrestlers. However, in comments on other videos she’s cited as being one of the best.Yet in the matches I’ve seen she wasn’t particularly dominating. I think that I’ve watched three of which she lost two. Sebastian was giving his background in wrestling. He failed to speak of Naked Kombat, a wrestle and fuck site for men only. At one time I could have easily told you how many matches he fought there and his record. They have changed things there and it’s difficult. I did find some Images from a match that he won. I’d Share one, but I don’t see any way to post it here. In those pics he didn’t have his comic book character mutton chops. He’s much better looking with out them. Others have changed their gimmicks here, He should drop his so the mutton chops can disappear.