Today we welcome two new wrestlers to Evolved Fights. Juliette March has some lesbian wrestling experience and this is her first time taking on a man in competitive wrestling. Jake Adams has a ton of Martial Arts experience and he can't wait to dominate this pretty little thing on the mats and then have his way with her. This match contains intense power moves. The wrestlers choke fuck each other. By the time the third round comes, both wrestlers are trying to pin each other and make their opponent cum. The wrestling ends but the winner goes right into the prize section even before the ref makes the official announcement for the winner. The winner immediately starts fucking the loser. Eventually, the ref does need to come in to make it official. Ariel calls the match and the winner fucks the loser until the loser is useless and powerless. The loser is ass fucked and humiliated.
Jake vs Brandi mae
I love a good slaugter in a match but only if its safe and fun. Which this was. Great match guys awesome chemistry.
Very fun, sexy match. I always like it when both participants are clearly enjoying themselves, regardless of who wins. Ariel X, since you previously praised Jake as a serious badass, do you think he would make a good opponent for the formidable women who haven't lost yet, such as Dee Williams, Jenevieve Hexxx, or Helena Locke? Or, for veterans who haven't appeared on EF yet, such as Dia Zerva, Tia Ling, or Mahina Zaltana (assuming any of them are still available? I think Juliette would make a good opponent for Will Havoc or Chad Diamond.
thats wonderful for jake
I’d love to see him take on Dee Williams, Brandi Mae or bella Rossi. Hell, take on Juliette again for all I care cuz that was hot af! She’s sexy as hell
now thats how you manhandle women out there
Julliete is nice
More Juliette would be great
love when he's all like: "penalty you say?" "Oh lemme whip this dick out and throw them legs up on my shoulders then..."
Awesome video. Hardcore domination of a beautiful girl and she loves it while giving it everything's she's got. Sexy as hell.
The chemistry and personal energy of both fighters is so fucking sexy I’m burning with jealousy. This video does if for my every time. They are both so hot and fun. First video I’ve ever bought and I’m so glad I did. I want this! If anyone can match this hit me up. Xoxoxo
If I had my druthers,Jake would add some muscle to his pecs and arms. But he does possess an amazing abdominal grill. Vervsexy. Outstanding Prize Round, except for the lack of an internal creampie. In this case, no one has any grounds to complain about Jake having a large advantage in mass and height. The size difference is the narrowest I’ve seen so far.
The finest three wrestling rounds be seen so far. The Pins and Penetrations were like a bonus Prize Round. Great job, Jake!
Juliette with bha nathan willl be perfect video
Wow what a great match. Loved seeing Jake completely dominate and humiliate Juliette! Maybe next time Jake could take on one of the more experienced wrestlers like Kara to give him a more competitive match up and maybe give him a tatste of his own medicine!