Miss Demeanor is back. She's taking on Fluffy and she's confident she will dominate purely based on her size. Fluffy isn't the biggest guy we have on the roster but he does have wrestling experience from his school days. He does some beautiful take downs on this amazon but will it be enough to win. This is competitive, flirty and dirty. One wrestler dominates the wrestling segment and gets to take their prize. The Winner gets to fuck the loser in the ass and gets to flex over the pathetic loser. Winner makes the loser taste their ass off their cock then picks the loser up and carries them off the mats.
Have her take on Bella on let edition and jack Friday here
Fluffy's come a long way!
Miss demeanor should take on Lea Lexis..
lea has retired from wrestling
Miss Demeanor is awsome want to see more of her. Next up she should fight. Jay. West
Have to love Miss Demeanor! She is so dominate to the loser, huge strapon, demanding thorough ass worship, looks so cool!