Sofie Marie had an impressive debut in her mixed wrestling match with Fluffy. She was so mean to Fluffy by sucking his cum out of his dick and then snowballing it back into his own mouth. Things have started to go to Sofie's head. She has become a primadonna on her own productions. Today her very own Producer is on the mats today in hopes of settling their office disputes on the mats. They are putting their money where their mouths are. If Sofie wins, she is giving Spike Iron a huge pay but and he has to stop bitching about her being too bossy. If Spike wins, he gets to bust his nut inside Sofie's pussy and she has to make her dweeb husband eat it out of her when she gets home. Let's not tell him this match is happening since he has no idea Sofie and Spike have this set up. The husband think workplace disputes should be settled behind the desks. We here are evolved and know that the best way to settle any dispute is by putting the two parties on the mats to fuck to conclusion. This match seems like a total squash match but then there is a surprise orgasm on the mats in round 3 which gives us an instant victory for one of these sexual gladiators. Winner throws the loser around like a rag doll and puts fingers in the losers ass much to the loser's shock and surprise.
Thanks Sofie and Spike for this shoot featuring the biggest creampie load ever - I am one super happy man. Thanks to Ariel for producing this masterpiece.
Nice match. Sofia have it all up but I like the more mature participants. Probably the best creampie ever. Spurred out of Sofia like a faucet. Really enjoyed.
“More strong dominant women please?” Give me a break, Deepkick. How many months have there been with scarcely anything but femdom matches? It’s true that maledom fans voice similar dissatisfaction when it’s the other way around, but there are two important differences; 1. The stated purpose of this site is to serve an underserved niche. Since 90% of mixed wrestling content is already pure femdom, maledom fans feel we are being shortchanged when a majority of the site’s updates cater to the tastes of the side who already has plenty. If you read comments by maledom fans, you will see that we have never demanded that men win all or most of the time, only that there be balance. It’s only fair to us as paying customers that there be a few months that are mostly what we like when there have been so many when it was mostly what you like and we don’t. All we want going forward is an even ratio. You seem to want nothing but female Ws, which is completely unreasonable. 2. The other thing maledom fans complain about is how badly the men are treated when they lose. Even the meanest male winners do not take the abuse and humiliation to the same extremes as at least half the female winners. By any sane standard, a typical male W should be more tolerable for a femdom fan than a typical female W is for a maledom fan. If you simply can’t abide male Ws, you don’t belong on this site. Objection to the way male losers are punished is entirely compatible with the nature of a competitive wrestling site. After all, it’s not a fair competition if one side is taking a bigger risk.
Ariel X, please know that my last comment is aimed not at you but at fending fans with a “we’re entitled to always get exactly what we want, customers with different tastes be damned” attitude. I am very grateful to you Ariel for creating and maintaining this site and for giving fans like me a good month.
Re- "RhinoBeetle ""How many months have there been with scarcely anything but femdom matches?" There hasn't been mostly femdom month since october last year. Last time it was two female wins in a row was early feb. " You seem to want nothing but female Ws, which is completely unreasonable." No, i think it's good with competitive matches who can go both ways. I don't want only female wins. But i was complaining about it was 5 submissive females in a row, i dont wanna wait months for a dominant female. " If you simply can’t abide male Ws, you don’t belong on this site" LOL, belive me, i know i belong to this site :-) It's soo great. Thanks alot, Ariel X, for all the work to make this such a great site.
This was wonderful and the most fun two people had in EvovlvedFights
Rhino you are absolutely right its a 5:1 ratio when it comes to male vs female wrestling, lately they showed more male are dominating, but overall its more of a femdom wrestling site which kinda feels like it at times on a lot of months
Thank you for your support, Alphastatic. Deepkick, your attempts to defend your position are completely invalid. The fact is, there have been three months thus far with a majority of female wins, along with February, which only had one male W. If you get months that are mostly what you like, it’s only fair that we as paying customers get months that are mostly what we like, and we’re still overdue for 2-3 more. If you like that matches can go either way, you ought to show it. But you don’t. Every comment you leave on a match where the man wins, or the woman wins but treats the man well, is negative. If I am mistaken you ought to show some appreciation for the instances where female winners choose to be good sports, or for the fact that almost all male winners treat their opponents gently.
Every paying customer has a different opinion. I'm not sure why you're stating that due to the updates all the paying customers "get months that are mostly what {they} like???
I’m not saying that. What I’m saying is that there have been multiple months in which the majority of updates were female wins. Ergo, those months were more to femdom fans liking than maledom fans. If there are going to be months like that, it’s only fair that maledom fans, as paying customers. get months that are mostly male wins. Deepkick objecting to men winning 4/5 matches in May displays a profound myopia.
Sofia Marie appears a little intimidated to wrestle a bigger man , even defeatist. Perhaps she wanted not to umiliate Spike, for some reasons. Perhaps she think s it is not fair for a classy woman to beat a man -Fluffy can be consider ed a boy. She has to learn to use better her long and strong legs and her flexibility. Being a triathlete she posseses a great endurance. I think she has a great potential and I hope to see her again.
I think she has The potential for improving her skill. She looked intimidated against a bigger male and started as a loser but with her stamina and her long powerful legs she could try harder. She grave me The impressione that she didn t watt to show her strenght to Spike, stronger bur a little out of shape. A classe woman, I hope to see her soon - Chad Diamond could be ok.
Will Spike come back or was this just a one time thing? course him and Penny wow that be great.
Sofie Marie is perfect. Like scientifically proven factually perfect.
Submissive females five matches in a row now :-( ok, Tori was cool, but still helpless. More strong dominant girls please...