Thank you for the feedback. We put the lesbian matches up as bonus so not to take away from any normal scheduled updates. If you watched them, great, if you didn't, you didn't lose out on anything. We hope this kept everyone happy.
Thank you for the site. how About Fight guy vs shemale?
we will do a few test shoots for that in the future but this is out of the scope of what this site is. I have posted a blog prior to explain things a little better in length
SInce the start, which sex is leading victories? Girls or Guys?
the women are slightly head
Thanks Ariel. Can you hold a general standing, updated each week or month?
I will come up with some sort of bracketing at some point. But with all the variable to calculate it's difficult to figure rankings
I would like to see you Ariel fight some guys and spank (otk and Ots) them after win, tie and strapon them. This site is great!
For many years I am a big fan of women's wrestling, so I look forward to the opening of the Lesbian Edition.
Thanks for the clearification. No worries anymore that lesbian fights will take over the site. Your mixed fights are the best on the whole net. Love this site :-)