Happy New year folx! I hope you enjoyed the bonus Material that we uploaded for the Holidays. Those of you who joined this month got a lot of content for your first month.....I hope you enjoy it but don't get used to it too much LOL. The Lesbian Matches are shown that there is enough interest in that Genre to create it's own stand-alone site. I have mentioned this before but some of you are new to the site and may have missed prior notification or blogs. Evolved Fights is a mixed wrestling site. We put up a handful of Lesbian matches to do market research. We put these up as bonuses for the holidays so that NO regular Friday updates for Mixed wrestling were affected. We wanted to see if there were enough interest in the Lesbian matches. The market has spoken and it turns out people wanna see it. We will not jam it down your throat but please understand that we can not sustain giving the content away for free. We will be starting a stand-alone site for Lesbian Wrestling. We will offer paying customers of this site a discount at the time of launch. I don't have too much information about the launch date right now but I will post more as the time comes near. Thank you, everyone!