Arielle Aquinas is Back and has more fire than ever. She didn't quite understand in her first match that we WANT women to win. She was having a subby day that day and she wanted to be dominated by her first male opponent, Rick Fantana. Today, Subby Arielle is long gone, she's in the mood to fuck some poor guy's asshole......enter poor guy's asshole....Chad Diamond is one of the fan favorites. He has a few losses on his record which makes for exciting matches for the fans because history has shown he has a chance of possibly losing. Today there's another good chance he may lose. Arielle comes at Chad like a bat out of hell. She is on a mission and that mission will require her to take down Chad Diamond and fuck her ass...but first, she needs to win. Chad has been upping his game in the meantime. This guy has started training regularly and has honed his skills very well. This match is an outstanding sex fight. Arielle is constantly grabbing cock and working the sex points she even has some legit counters for Chad. She's able to get him in leg scissors and really put him in trouble but most importantly she perves out on him like no other female has done before. She creeps on this guy so hard, he doesn't know what to do other than to tie her up with her own limbs and let her hold herself down. Sometimes when a girl is THIS sexually aggressive, you simply need to wrap them up with their own arms and make them give themselves a nice tight hug. This match ends with orgasm draining and creampie. Someone owns their prize good!
Round 4 is a bit of a let down especially with a girl this pretty. Chad gave a better Round 4 with Riley and the creampie. Had he done it here with Ariel then it would've Ben so much better.
We wanna see more arielle and see more sex gods
Who comes up wth these descriptions? It’s almost as if they are watching a completely different match. None are nearly as exciting as they are making it sound